Takshashila Academic Conference - February 2023
The Takshashila Institution conducted a two-day online Academic Conference for its 34th cohort of Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (GCPP) students on the 18th and 19th of February 2023. The Academic Conference had different keynote, breakout and spontaneous order sessions.
A part of the conference was held on Takshashila’s Virtual Campus, hosted on the futuristic proximity A/V platform: Gather Town. This is the 6th edition of the event conducted on this digital space. To find out more about Gather Town and learn about the format of the conference, read our previous report here.
Day 1

Day 2

The Takshashila Institution is a pioneer in public policy education. To prepare our students to tackle the complex policy challenges, we bring together academic experts and policy practitioners from across the world. Takshashila’s unique pedagogy allows individuals to study from anywhere and while pursuing their current occupations.
For more details, check out our 12-week Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (GCPP), year-long Post Graduate Programme (PGP) and short-term Special Credit Courses (SCC).