Our research focuses on Advanced Biology, High-Tech Geopolitics, Strategic Studies, Indo-Pacific Studies, Economic Policy, Advanced Military Technologies & Geospatial Research.

Takshashila Report - An Open Tech Strategy for India (A Working Draft)
By Apar Gupta, Arjun Gargeyas, Bharath Reddy, Kailash Nadh, Nitin Pai, Pranay Kotasthane, Rushubh Mehta, Saurabh Chandra and Venkatesh Hariharan

Takshashila Discussion SlideDoc - An AI Hardware Ecosystem in India: A SWOT Analysis
By Arjun Gargeyas, Samparna Tripathy and Anup Rajput

Takshashila Doctrine Document - A Techno-Strategic Doctrine for India
By Takshashila’s High Tech Geopolitics Programme

Takshashila Discussion SlideDoc - Putting India on the road to becoming an AI superpower
By Takshashila’s Bangalore Expert Group